KiddiTouch Affiliate program
If you have a website, you can earn money by joining our affiliate program. As one of the brands brands on the high street, your website's earning potential will be increased by promoting KiddiTouch on your website.
How does it work
If you become a KiddiTouch affiliate and a customer makes a purchase from via your link, we pay you a commission to reward you for bringing us that sale. We'll keep in regular contact to inform you of new toys, new offers and special incentives to make sure you get the most out of the program. All promotional banners and links to our website is provided by us, and we also provide a product listing so you can promote our entire range of over various puzzles and wall hangings.
What's in it for me?
The base rate for commissions is around 4% of the order value, but keep an eye out for our regular incentives to boost your commissions. As a toy retailer for children aged 0-6 in the UK, you will benefit from the high conversion rates our vast range of high quality, developmental toys delivers.
How do I join?
Please contact us on to get more information about how to become an affiliate.